Sanctions EU - Belarus
      • 16 Jul 2023
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      Sanctions EU - Belarus

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      Article summary


      On 24 March 2006, the European Council deplored the failure of the Belarus authorities to meet OSCE commitments to democratic elections, considered that the Presidential elections of 19 March 2006 were fundamentally flawed and condemned the action of the Belarus authorities of that day in arresting peaceful demonstrators exercising their legitimate right of free assembly to protest at the conduct of the Presidential elections. The European Council therefore decided that restrictive measures should be applied against those responsible for the violation of international electoral standards.

      On 10 April 2006, the Council decided to adopt restrictive measures against President Lukashenko, the Belarusian leadership and officials responsible for the violations of international electoral standards and international human rights law, as well as for the crackdown on civil society and democratic opposition. These individuals should be subjected to a visa ban and possible further targeted measures. The funds and economic resources of President Lukashenko and certain officials of Belarus that have been identified for this purpose have been frozen.

      Restrictive measures

      Content will follow

      Trade sanctions: Restricted products and transactions

      Content will follow

      Financial sanctions: Listed persons & entities, restricted services

      There are currently many persons on the list of people whose funds and economic resources are frozen.

      Other sanctions

      EU Member States must prevent the entry into, or the transit through, their territories of listed persons.

      To go further

      Sanctions & Embargoes, by RespectUs

      Namecheck by RespectUs

      License Determination, designed by RespectUs

      Indicate your product, transaction, customer, country, and get a full report on the applicable restrictive measure(s).Search by name, first name, address, birth date, to see if a determined person or entity is listed, and thus subject to any sanction or restrictive measure.Process your transaction, product, destination country and customer, to determine if a license is required for this transaction, or any other restrictive measure is applicable.

      Council Decision 2012/642/CFSP of 15 October 2012 concerning restrictive measures against Belarus

      Council Regulation (EC) No 765/2006 of 18 May 2006 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Belarus and the involvement of Belarus in the Russian aggression against Ukraine

      Human Rights Watch - Belarus. Human Rights Watch investigates and reports on abuses happening in all corners of the world.