Sanctions EU - Guinea Bissau
      • 19 May 2023
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      Sanctions EU - Guinea Bissau

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      Article summary


      Decision 2012/237/CFSP and Regulation 2012/377 provide restrictive measures against certain persons, entities and bodies who seek to prevent or block a peaceful political process, or who take action that undermines stability in the Republic of Guinea-Bissau. This concerns in particular those who played a leading role in the mutiny of 1 April 2010 and the coup d’état of 12 April 2012 and whose actions continue to be aimed at undermining the rule of law and the primacy of civilian power. These measures include the freezing of funds and economic resources of the natural or legal persons, entities and bodies listed.

      Restrictive measures


      Freezing of funds

      Travel ban

      Trade sanctions: Restricted products and transactions


      Financial sanctions: Listed persons & entities, restricted services

      A list indicated the persons whose funds and economic resources are frozen.

      Other sanctions

      EU Member States must prevent the entry into, and the transit through, their territories, with regard to listed persons.

      To go further

      Sanctions & Embargoes, by RespectUs

      Namecheck by RespectUs

      License Determination, designed by RespectUs

      Indicate your product, transaction, customer, country, and get a full report on the applicable restrictive measure(s).Search by name, first name, address, birth date, to see if a determined person or entity is listed, and thus subject to any sanction or restrictive measure.Process your transaction, product, destination country and customer, to determine if a license is required for this transaction, or any other restrictive measure is applicable.

      Council Decision 2012/2858/CFSP of 31 May 2012 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Guinea-Bissau

      Council Regulation (EU) No 377/2012 of 3 May 2012 concerning restrictive measures directed against certain persons, entities and bodies threatening the peace, security or stability of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau
